So, a little history
I worked within Games Retail for the better part of a decade, from Store to Head Office, I’ve seen many things, but thankfully Boll’s House of The Dead evaded me for years. Until now…. Yes, I’ve played various incarnations of the game, from the Dreamcast through to the Wii, but never did I expect to have to endure what I endured on Monday 16th August 2010.
My trawl across the movieverse led me to utilize the “Watch Online” feature of Lovefilm, so I paid my £2.50 and sat down in front of the goggle box to be a witness to movie making history.
Opening with the stupidest Narration I’ve ever heard, albeit a premonitory one that would be better suited to ward the viewer off watching this film as opposed to tease them to follow along any further…
“It was a nightmare, so many dead people, so many victims….
It all started a few days ago when I came here for a Rave…. Now all that remains is the rotten smell of death…..
Errm…. Okay then, aside from the fact that this film was made in 2003 and the interest in Rave’s died out in Western Europe around about the mid 90’s – What the fuck is with the dude’s voice!! He sounds like a bastardization of Keannu Reaves and Christian Bale. Anyway let’s bypass the frankly fucking terrible intro sequence and the credits (I’d “skip to the end” – but it’s SCG’s so I’ll have to get to the end – it’s an endurance trial)
We swiftly move on to the same Keannu Bale voice-a-like telling us about some cast members from a soft core porn schlock turd and their pretty fucking stupid “back story” and we get some interspersed scenes of “The Rave” – which is really just a camping trip with a disco and some fucking Sega banners….Oh and a young asian lady jiggling about with pom poms – Yes the Sega references are rife – I think someone forgot to mention to Sega that the Dreamcast was a flop and getting involved with this twat Boll was unlikely to help their plight.
I’m going to multi-task the rest of this feedback gents, yes I’m going to chery pick and machine gun my way through my other points. Sorry it’s numbered but it’s the only way to deal with this crap.
1). We meet the kid from Gentle Ben (Clint Howard) all grown up, but no bear – Not even good ole Ben woulda been able to save him from this turd.
2). Jurgen Prochnow – Seriously Jurgen, did you not learn from Dredd? – Is he where the budget went? Or did he seriously think this would help his career?? – TWAT!
3). Gratuitous Topless scenes (read soft core porn schlock) At least they gave the uglies a chance though eh? – aww bless
4). Stupid humour – barfing scene – it’s bad man, just awful…..and getting worse….
5). Hiring the cheapest composer they can find, Reinhard Besser is a tone deaf twat – who seems to only work with Boll. – the music’s practically identical to Bad Taste – except maybe for the frankly terrible Wannabe Prodigy tune from the intro sequence.
6). Stunning uses of Voice over. So we get the boats chasing one another by voice over? – WTF?
7). Prochnow can predict the weather – a proper coffee dragon moment as the kid from Gentle Ben wonders if a “storm’s a coming?” – Prochnow licks his finger and holds it to the wind. Responding….. “maybe” – fuck it – it can’t get any more stupid surely????
No wait it’s a Boll movie, it can…. And it does
8). The Harbour master broad, guns down bimbo no.1 – The boyfriend responds with possibly the most diabolical piece of acting I’ve seen - “What Happened to her”
9). Tooling up – You seriously know a film is terrible when the cast start telling each other what weapons they’ve got - a Shotgun with incendiary rounds – REALLY??? A dude telling everyone what weapons they’ve chosen? Not to mention the fact they all appear to become the gun monk dudes from Equilibrium the second they get given a fucking firearm.
10) Swimming Zombies that breathe the moment they get out of the water – nuff said
11). Tooled up zombies? – nuff said.
12). Fucking Bullet time – Loved the fact they set the camera system up and just filmed each actor separately in the same place (all looking incredibly uncomfortable in the process) – so it looked like the test sequence from the extras on the Matrix DVD – stupidly used special efect that was so out of place – considering they were fucking kids with guns and no Military/Ninja training!
13). Sets from Buffy The Vampire Slayer – yup, proper cardboard cut out style
14) Pointless sacrifices – Right the only sacrifice this film needed was Uwe Boll’s - simple as. Yet all the character at the end of the film have huge brain farts and give their lives up to save the others???? Whatever….
15). Good guy/Arch baddie conversation – “You created all this to be immortal – why? – What the fuck you moron – I’ll answer my own fucking question whilst asking it? Seriously Uwe? This is the best you can do with your Protagonist. Not to mention the fact that the bad guy looked like Sam Neil in Event Horizon’s final moments.
Believe me I’ve got more, but I simply can’t stomach writing anymore of this, this film is so unbelievably fucking stupid that to imagine anyone even entertaining the notion of making it is almost as inconceivable as the notion that someone from SEGA actually read the script and then allowed the House of The Dead moniker to be used – not to mention the most annoying fucking thing about the film – the fact that you are permanently reminded that this was a game by interspersing game footage as dissolves? REALLY!!!
Fuck knows, fucking fucking Fuck Knows – Must be Hallucinogenics – the only answer I have.
That’s it – you’ve done it – Shy of actually having my brain squeezed out through my ears Play-doh style and being repeatedly double teamed by Boll from behind and Lucas up front – I don’t think there’s anything worse than this movie.
I’m shaken to the core young sirs – You may have actually discovered the worst film of all time. I’m going to see a therapist now, I’m sure there’s a specialist out there for Post Traumatic Boll Syndrome.
If not, then I’ll see you on the other side…… (Insert Creaking rope sound effect)